Press release 新聞發佈 www.oneaspace.org.hk
3,652日,見證了香港回歸十年的光境。 回看十年,我們如何重塑香港的藝術圖象? 1a空間將與亞洲藝術文獻庫合作,邀請了十二位回歸時期活躍於香港藝壇的藝術家參與與研究計劃,再由他們各自邀請一位現活躍於香港的藝術工作者對話九七,並把對話延伸,以不同媒介、素材的作品,呈現他們十年前後對個人、社會、政治、藝術等的反思。亞洲藝術文獻庫並將選展關於九七回歸時期的香港藝術文獻展,一起在回顧與展望裏,展現香港的斗轉星移……
Framework of Dialogue/Interview
(These aspects are not in particular order and
are not mutually exclusive but inter-related with each other.)
The following questions/issues can be placed in contexts of the above dimensions and be explored in the aspects listed above...
• Have you observed any changes in
• What do you think of
• What concerns you most in the process of art-making/curating/research/writing/etc? Why? Any changes in the last few years?
• How do you see the contemporary art scene during the Handover period in comparison to the current one?
• What does the Handover mean to you? In what senses?
• For you, what is the most impressive work of art during the Handover period? Also, what is the most impressive work recently? Any similarity or difference between them?
• How do you see the prospects of Hong Kong and
• Any things or action that you think you can contribute to
• ...etc
• Post-colonialism
• Cultural history
• (
• Subjectivity
• Cultural ecology
• Colonial legacy
• Decolonization
• ...etc